Mandate of the Directorate

The Directorate of Corporate Services contributes towards delivery and development of the NDA entity wide Institutional capacity, which is achieved through provision of human and infrastructure interventions. It comprises of five departments:


Director Corporate Services
Rogers Kayita

Head Finance

Head Finance
Loy Tumuheirwe


Head Business Planning & Development
Joseph Mutasaaga


Head ICT
Andrew Rutebuka (Acting)

Mandate of the Department

The Finance department is the principle steward for all NDA financial resources and promotes financial sustainability built on existing statutory revenue streams and is the custodian for implementation of internal controls geared towards continued financial compliance.

Head Finance

Ms Loy Tumuheirwe

Mandate of the Department

Information and Communications technology department (ICT) provides all NDA’s strategic ICT infrastructure requirements (Software & Hardware) ensuring that all business processes are efficient and effective as well as leads the automation and integration of supporting processes to enhance institutional efficiency


News / Events

Head ICT


Head ICT
Andrew Rutebuka (Acting)

Mandate of the Department

Business Development Unit (BDM) provides end to end performance tracking and management metrics to ensure delivery and on-time achievement of the NDA strategic plan, annual work plans and budgetary targets. BDM unit takes the principle lead in development of alternative revenue mobilization strategies as well as risk profiling and management.

Head Business Planning & Development

Mr. Mutasaaga Joseph